
Latest news:

Nov 15:
SnowAffair discusses snowkiting with the Prime Minister of Pakistan. This is the real deal.


Sept 5:
SnowAffair expands its business to include multiple Backcountry Adventures while still keeping its core snowkiting and TeleFair telemark skiing clinics.

Mar 1:
SnowAffair is featured in 6-page Men’s Journal story on our Alaska Backcountry Adventure.


Powder Magazine:
"SnowAffair is the athletic, poster-child for mountain-high sexuality."

San Francisco Chronicle:
"We have seen skiing’s future. SnowAffair’s snowkite and telemark clinics are the hottest new trend over the next few years."

New York Times:
"winter's ultimate free ride"


December 8-9
Targhee Pass

January 12-13
Revelstoke, Canada

January 26-27
Mt. Pleasant,

February 9-10
Jackson Hole, Wyoming

February 23-24
Soldier Mt., Idaho

March 2-3
San Juan Mts., Colorado

March 28-31
Alyeska, Alaska

April 21-27
Isafjordur, Iceland

St.Elias, Alaska

Backcountry Adventures:  click on photo above for gallery


Snowkite Rallys:  click on photo above for gallery

Telemark skiing ad

Telemark ski clinics:  click on photo above for gallery

Videos:  Alaska  Utah